...Life, and the Length Thereof
My apartment complex seems to be morbidly obsessed with the mortality of the tennants who live here.Thus it is that, in the monthy newsletter that the slide between our front door knobs and the door jamb, there has been a new feature for the past few months. "Life is too short..."
Now, while it is true that most of us get, on average, less than eighty years on this planet to make of our lives what we can, before we don't have lives to make anything of anymore, my apartment complex takes things a bit far. Let's look at a few examples. Much like the titles of posts in this blog, each of these is an extention. Life is too short...
...to trust the weather report. Okay, this is, in general, decent advice. Meterology is, at best, an inexact science that is trying to predict the inherently unpredictible: chaos theory. No matter how good of a computer project you can create, they'll always be wrong. Which is why most weather reports are built on compositing what multiple computer projections seem to agree on, and averaging out details as they go. I'm more than willing to give my complex a pass on this one, and start of with it just to be fair, and say that not all the advice is bad advice.
...to check your luggage. Ah, so this is why the asshole that gets on the plane in front of me invariably has a carryon bag that fits an entire overhead compartment. They're not inconsiderate pricks who believe themselves more important than anyone else on the plane, they've just realize that life is too short to wait through baggage claim, rather than making us all wait while the overhead compartments are all rearranged. Thanks.
...to worry about hem lengths. UP WITH MINISKIRTS!
These don't really bother me all that much. If it was just stuff like this, I'd generall roll my eyes, and just toss them into the trash. But the reason I've collected a few of these, and why I'm actually taking the time to write about them are a few of the other things life is too short for.
...to swim upstrem.
...to do things you're not good at.
Well. Isn't that just the best possible message that could be sent along. Life is too short to try. Too short to struggle. Too short to try to improve yourself. Too short to better yourself. Too short to cause ripples. Too short to perhaps make any changes to your life for the better. Don't swim upstream, don't try to go against the current, just let life sweep you away. Don't do things you're not good at. Stay in your box. Keep at your rut. It's a rut, but damnit, it's the rut you're good at, and life is too short to try and get out of it.
Of course, this is a rental property, which means that they profit from people staying at where they are in life, and not achieving for more, such as property ownership. That's right, rental agency, keep us down!
I'm looking forward to next month. "Life is too short to mortage." "Life is too short to live."
Okay, I'm being melodramatic, but it's my blog, and I'll melodramaticize if I want to!
What does everyone think of what is going on in Iraq?
Wow, I've found the same to be true too! Where did you get that at?
See you soon! Girly Girl
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