Tuesday, May 10, 2005


I've never really been happy with the way that I use Live Journal. Years ago I maintained a site that I called "My Take On..." which offered me the opportunity to write short-to-mid length essays on whatever subject caught my interest at the time. Some of them were serious, some of them were silly, the main difference is that most of them were a great deal longer than what I usually feel like I want to get into on LiveJournal.

I'm going to likely still use my LJ, but wanted to finally activate a Blogger journal, since I signed up for this site months and months ago when there was a plan among myself and some friends to do a journal where we would each take on the identity of one of the 2004 presidental candidates, and create a fake blog called On The Trail. I think I had drawn Ralph Nader. But, unfortunately, that fell through.

Not sure if/when I'll actually point out to anyone that I'm dong this blog. In a way, I'm just shouting into the void, and seeing what will come of it. Of course, being that I'm using the same name that I use everywhere else, I suppose someone might quite easily stumble upon this if they try hard enough. Or at all. Guess in a way this is a test to see if I have any net.stalkers *shifty eye*

I'm going to likely discuss the same subjects here as in my LiveJournal. There'll be some baseball, some politics, some television, just whatever I have a take on that I feel can best be described in more than just a few snarky lines in an LJ.

So. There you have it. The My Take On... manifesto.


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